I'm Brian Knobbs, an engineer of many sorts who specializes in solving hard problems and making all the pieces fit. I'm a bit obsessive over design, a lot obsessive about security and uncomfortably obsessed with juggling. I'm a huge fan of making things with my hands, and I'm an advocate of Python, Django and open source software in general.


I am a Systems Engineer/Reverse Engineer for REDLattice, a computer security research and programming services company working to help customers design, architect and then build domain specific applications. We specialize in building highly scalable systems, handling enormous amounts of data and building near-real-time web applications for interacting with large data sets. Previously I have worked with high-end, embedded network processing devices performing deep packet inspection and modification on high throughput (40Gb+) links, building network intrusion detection systems and custom traffic filtering and modification applications for specific networking protocols.


This is my personal website and blog. Opinions expressed here are solely mine, or those of the author, not of my employer.